Checklist for people who have recently arrived in Finland
Viimeksi muokattu: 10.2.2025-
You will need a Finnish personal identity code when dealing with authorities, banks, employers, and for other official business. You can obtain a personal identity code either from the Finnish Immigration Service at the same time as you receive your residence permit, or from the Digital and Population Data Services Agency.
You can find more information about registering for a Finnish personal identity code on the Digital and Population Data Services Agency’s website.
You can buy a telephone contract at places like R-kioski convenience stores. R-kioski Mäntsälä is located at Keskuskatu 6.
The most common telephone operators in Finland are Telia, Saunalahti, Elisa and DNA. If you don’t have a Finnish personal identity code or an address in Finland yet, the easiest option is to buy a pre-paid contract.
You will need a bank account to be able to use a bank card and to acquire online banking credentials. You can find more information on InfoFinland’s website.
The most common banks in Finland are Osuuspankki, Nordea, Danske Bank, Aktia, S-pankki, Säästöpankki and Handelsbanken.
You can find more information on searching for an apartment and living in Mäntsälä on this website.
You can apply to Kela for benefits such as housing allowance, unemployment benefits, student financial aid and social assistance. You can find more information on Kela’s website.
You can find direct links to some of Kela’s forms on this website.
If you are looking for work, you will begin your job search and a customer relationship with TE Services. You can register as a job seeker via the E-services section of JobMarket Finland.
You can also contact the municipality of Mäntsälä’s employment services if you need job coaching or other services.
You will need a tax card and/or an individual tax number to be able to work in Finland.
You can find more information on the Tax Administration’s website.
If you have children under the age of six, you can apply for an early childhood education place for them. Early childhood education is voluntary. It is subject to a fee, but the amount you pay depends on your family’s income and size, and on the amount of time that your child spends at the day-care centre.
Six-year-old children must be enrolled in pre-primary education, and seven-year-olds must be enrolled in primary education (school). Pre-primary education and primary education are compulsory and free of charge.
You can find more information on this website.