Early childhood education, basic education and upper secondary education
Viimeksi muokattu: 24.3.2025The Municipality of Mäntsälä provides early childhood education, pre-primary education, basic education and upper secondary education. Day-care centres and schools create and develop a culture of equity and equality. The pupils’ diversity of languages and cultures is taken into consideration in the schools’ own equity and equality programmes in many ways.
Mäntsälä has 8 municipal and 5 private day-care centres that offer early childhood education and pre-primary education. You have to pay for early childhood education, but the fee depends on your family’s income and size, and on the time that your child spends in the day-care centre. Early childhood education is voluntary. Pre-primary education, on the other hand, is free of charge and compulsory.
- Information about early childhood education
- Information about pre-primary education
- DaisyFamily is an information channel for early childhood education. For example, you can use it to book your child’s day-care hours.
- Metsätontun perhetupa is a meeting place for families with children under the age of 7. Perhetupa offers free activities and a place for playing and spending time together.
- Information about early childhood education and pre-primary education in different languages
You can make an early childhood education application online via eDaisy.
If you can’t use eDaisy for some reason, you can print and fill this pdf-form. The filled form must be sent to Heikinkuja 4, 04600 Mäntsälä (either to Vinkki or directly to Tiina Korhonen).
If you have any questions, please contact the early childhood education specialist Tiina Korhonen or the immigration coordinator Johanna Jäntti.
Tiina Korhonen
Varhaiskasvatuksen asiantuntija
Johanna Jäntti
Maahanmuuttokoordinaattori (kielet: suomi, englanti) / Immigration coordinator (languages: FIN, ENG)
Child health clinic
Note that Keusote’s child health clinic provides services for families with under school-aged children. These services include regular check-ups that are designed to ensure your child’s healthy growth and development.
Information about child health clinic:
In Mäntsälä, there are 10 primary schools, one secondary school, and one high school. Primary and secondary education is free of charge and compulsory.
- Information about basic education
- Information about the Wilma system
- Important applications regarding basic education
- Contact details and websites of all the schools in Mäntsälä (in Finnish!)
A pupil moving to Mäntsälä from elsewhere in Finland or from abroad
If a pupil moves to Mäntsälä in the middle of the school year, their guardian needs to contact the school secretary (contact details below) and fill out an application for the pupil (in Finnish!). The pupil will be placed in a specific school based on the information given in the application.
The immigration coordinator (contact details below) will help if the pupil is moving to Mäntsälä from abroad. Pupils who are studying Finnish as a second language will have either regular basic education or preparatory education that focuses on learning Finnish or Swedish and becoming familiar with the Finnish school system.
If you have any questions, please contact the school secretary Hanna Siponen or the immigration coordinator Johanna Jäntti.
Hanna Siponen
Kouluasiainsihteeri, koulusihteeri
Johanna Jäntti
Maahanmuuttokoordinaattori (kielet: suomi, englanti) / Immigration coordinator (languages: FIN, ENG)
Upper secondary education includes general upper secondary school and vocational education and training, as well as different preparatory education programmes. In Mäntsälä, upper secondary education is provided by Mäntsälä high school and Keuda at Lukkarinpolku and Saari.

Early childhood education and pre-primary education
More information about early childhood education and pre-primary education in Finnish.
Varhaiskasvatus ja esiopetus

Upper secondary education
More information about upper secondary education in Finnish.
Toinen aste ja laajentunut oppivelvollisuus