Leisure and hobbies

Viimeksi muokattu: 17.1.2025

Satakieli – Meeting place and service point in Mustamäki

Satakieli is a meeting place and a service point for immigrants. It is located in Pukkimäentie 4, 04600 Mäntsälä.

Satakieli offers activities for children and adults:

  • Mondays at 3 pm–4 pm: children’s art club
  • Tuesdays at 5 pm–6 pm: homework club
  • Thursdays at 3 pm–4 pm: homework club

An art club for Ukrainian children is also held at the Mäntsälä library every other Tuesday from 6 pm to 7.15 pm. The club is led by a volunteer called Julia Novitskaya.

If you are interested in doing volunteer work to support immigrants in Mäntsälä, please contact Lars Moberg.

We kindly welcome you to join the activities!

Marija Galper

Kotoutumisohjaaja, ukrainalaiset asiakkaat (kielet: suomi, englanti, venäjä) / Integration counselor, Ukrainian clients (languages: FIN, ENG, RUS)

Eduard Galper

Kotoutumisohjaaja, ukrainalaiset asiakkaat (kielet: suomi, englanti, ukraina, venäjä) / Integration counselor, Ukrainian clients (languages: FIN, ENG, UKR, RUS)

Minna Kaunisto

Pakolaisohjaaja (kielet: suomi, englanti) / Refugee counselor (languages: FIN, ENG)

Lars Moberg

Pakolaisohjaaja (kielet: suomi, englanti) / Refugee counselor (languages: FIN, ENG)

Johanna Jäntti

Maahanmuuttokoordinaattori (kielet: suomi, englanti) / Immigration coordinator (languages: FIN, ENG)

Anne Markkanen

Palvelusihteeri (kielet: suomi, englanti) / Service secretary (languages: FIN, ENG)


Kohtaamispaikka ja palvelupiste maahanmuuttaneille / Meeting place and service point for immigrants

Pukkimäentie 4, 04600 Mäntsälä

Free time and hobbies in the Municipality of Mäntsälä

Mäntsälä offers many ways to enjoy your free time, from different kinds of sports to library services, courses in the adult education centre and culture events. Note that some of the websites below are only available in Finnish.